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Earn money with web domains

If you want to make money with an online business, but you don't know or don't want to do anything technical, then you need to know that there is a good economic possibility: that of making money with domain names.

Before going on, let's see for a moment, for the less experienced, what a domain name (also called DNS) is. Do you know the addresses of the internet pages? Those starting with "http: // www." and ending with a “.com”, a “.net”, etc.?

… Here, the domain name - more often abbreviated, for convenience, simply with the word domain - is all that comes after the famous www. and ending with the extension (the extensions of domain names are the various .com, .net,, etc.). Practical example: the domain name of this website is

Having made these necessary basic premises, you must know that one of the simplest methods to make money with the internet is to undertake an activity based on the trade of domain names! Let's go into a little more detail and see how it works.

A domain represents on the web what a street address is in the real world. In practice, in the real world your home (or your office, or your company) is located in a certain municipality, in a certain street and at a certain number which uniquely identifies it.

In the web, in order to precisely identify a website, there is the so-called domain name. From what I have just said it follows, necessarily, that this name must be unique to prevent two sites from overlapping unintentionally. So, if you own a certain domain name, no one will ever use it but you! If you have read this far, I think you have probably already begun to guess where I want to go ... 🙂

In practice: if you manage to buy strategic domain names, the value they can reach can be - very often - considerably higher than the purchase one!

A domain name, in fact, is very important for a variety of reasons:

  • Branding: a clear and explicit name can go a long way in identifying your brand as a leader and reference point in a given market niche.

  • Ease of memorization: a short and direct name is much easier to remember than a name that contains many words or even hyphens (example: By the way: avoid buying domains that contain hyphens as, being difficult to remember and communicate, they are not in great demand on the market and therefore it will not be easy to sell them (especially at high cost).

  • Search engine optimization (SEO): for the purpose of a good positioning in search engines, it is very important to have the keyword searched by the user within the domain name (obviously this alone is not enough, but for sure helps a lot!).

I would like to go deeper into this last point, in order to be clearer. For example, if you are looking for an online store that sells shoes, then it is very likely that on Google you will search for "shoes" or "shoe shop" or even "online shoe shop".

That said, if you have a site called or, then your SEO work will be much easier and therefore you will have a better chance of ranking higher than your competitors in the results of the search engines. Research.

Now, just imagine that you have come up with a great domain name and you have found it free. With a cost of just a few euros a year, you can grab it and keep it parked for as long as you want.

After that, if an entrepreneur wants to open an online business focused on a niche that is strongly "reflected" in your domain name, then such a domain might be willing to pay you a lot of money!

Consider that a domain like was sold at auction for 14 million dollars, against a buyer's investment of very few dollars (I am speaking, of course, of the domain name only and not of any site linked to it).

Sure, domains like are now impossible to find because the best have already been registered for a long time (consider that people have been registering domain names since the distant 90s! ). However, this is where the real business comes into play ...

Since domains greatly help rankings through SEO practices, domains consisting of phrases (2 or 3 words) used to search for something specific can pave the way for a profitable business.

Let's admit you don't know how to invest an inheritance amount of money (it's just an example). Most likely, you will Google a phrase like this: "how to invest money". Well, if you actually do this search you will find the site in the very first places. Do you think this is a coincidence?

In such a site, obviously, a financial activity or, in any case, linked to finance will be built. Considering that an advertisement in the financial field can cost as much as 2 euros per click, if you use AdWords to appear in the very first Google results, to get 1,000 perfectly profiled visitors it would take 2,000 euros!

A site like that, therefore, manages to bring for free, also thanks to the domain name that contains the keyword that people search in the engines, several hundred monthly visits and this is really a BIG savings for those who manage the site. Without considering the branding value and ease of memorization.

Having said that, such a domain is most likely worth at least € 10,000 if not more as it constitutes, in the end, continuous and free advertising in a highly lucrative sector.

In practice, if the domain represents the physical address at which to find your site, by working on it and choosing the name strategically, you could make it represent "a nice shop in Regent Street in London".

A tip dictated by experience: if you want to make money with domain names, always opt to buy short domains or domains made up of phrases actually searched for on search engines. Obviously the top names like, and the like have been taken for years.

However, new ideologisms are always emerging in the world and, as a result, new opportunities are continually created. Everything is about staying informed, creative and being awake in seizing the right opportunity, when it presents itself.

Surely, it is easier to find domain names consisting of several words (the aforementioned is a clear example!), but that no one has yet registered. They won't make you millions of dollars like in the case of, however reaching values ​​that are around several thousand euros is not difficult!

Forget the practice of registering misspelled domains, to intercept users who wanted to go somewhere else! Apart from the fact that if you mimic a registered trademark you risk a lawsuit, the people who make mistakes are very few and probably no one will ever buy this type of domain.

You always prefer to buy the most common extensions. The extensions, as we had already seen, are the famous .com, .net, .org and so on. Those that give added value to the domain are: ".com", "" (if the site is intended for United Kingdom) and ".net". Secondly, but only if the domino name is very valid, you could also buy the ".info" and ".org".

Ultimately, the best way to make money with domain names is to buy a few good ones. Then, when you feel ready to sell them, because you think they have reached a good market value, then enter in your contacts the entry "Do you want to buy this domain?" linked to your email.

If the domain is interesting, you will see that sooner or later they will contact you. In any case, you can also make specific reports on sites and forums where there is a real market based on the buying / selling of domain names (just search for "sell domains" on Google and you will come up with a lot of sites such as SEDO.COM interesting and fit for the purpose).

Is it possible to make money online by selling Web Domains?

Do you want to start making money online by selling web domains?

Buying and selling Web Domains offers a very attractive scenario of saving and earning possibilities, capable of producing very high profits if you are able to operate correctly. It is certainly a way of doing business, within everyone's reach, and if you already have a good knowledge of the web, accompanied by study and practice, you are already at a good point.

There is a real business on the web in this sector and can, therefore, be good in terms of investing your money and obtaining earnings, it is certainly an alternative way to supplement your salary.

The Web Domain is important, for example, for a company, because it is representative of the product and / or service that you want to sell. Generally, since you buy a Web Domain, you own it for a year, after which if you want to keep the same name you will have to pay again for another year. It must be kept in mind that, as is true for any business, buying and selling Web Domains online involves risks.

However, it is recommended to take into account that, especially in the beginning, you will not always get good deals. There are risks, but the more prepared you are, the more likely you will be to make excellent profits. One of the difficulties that may be encountered will lie in predicting the right name that may be of interest to a company in the future, for example.

All you have to do is buy a domain that will be considered important and then sell it, trying to get as much of it as possible.

A reseller has both the possibility to buy a domain already registered where it will be possible to profit by selling it; or it will be able to register a new Domain that has a strong probability of sale.

There are several opportunities to sell Domains, among which it is possible that the buyer contacts the owner directly; or there are the Registry, that is, where it is possible to transfer and register internet domains, where it is possible to directly access the name and contact details of the domain owner. It may also happen that it is the owner who sells his domain, making his contact details available, or he/she directly searches for potential buyers, proposing the sale of the Domain.

There are also Web Domain sales that take place on competent platforms such as, where domain owners interested in selling and potential buyers meet. The trading platforms behave as a sort of intermediary for the sale of domains and normally require a fee for the service performed.

At this point it is good to clarify the meaning of some terms that are in use but that tend to be confused with each other, which are:

  • Registry
  • Registrar
  • Registrant

The Registry is the Authority, that is, the body that is responsible for assigning domain names, managing archives and primary name servers of a domain. It is the owner of the Domain extensions, which also determine the conditions for registration and work with the Registrars for public sale.

The Registrars are indeed companies that are dedicated to the sale and assignment of Domain names and are responsible for them on behalf of end users. The Registrar is completely autonomous in the management of services, and takes care not only of the registration of a Domain but also, for example, of the mailboxes, of the creation of websites, of the DSN management, and much more. After registering an agreement with the Registry regarding the sale of Domain names, the Registrar can then independently determine the costs of registering and maintaining the Domains.

The Registrant is the person who applies for registration of a domain name, it is the final act in which the name becomes a domain that will then be present on the web.

The steps are these, that is, there is the Registrant who asks the Registrar for his Domain name to be applied to him, after which the Registrar will request the Registry which in turn will have the task of viewing the application and deciding whether or not to assign the domain.

If the outcome is positive, the Registrant will be assigned the Domain.

It is a market that is constantly growing, and many times it can be a very profitable business, so why wait, it has very interesting potential and full of expectations.

Expired Domain Names

Thousands of domain names expire every day. The reasons are different. Some owners forgot to renew the domains, some just don't want them anymore or they moved on to other projects. For most people these so called Expired Domains don't have any value. They just see a bunch of Domain Names someone else deleted and move on, but for the people who know about SEO or the value of good Backlinks, Expired Domain Names are money just waiting to get picked up from the street. The only problem is to separate the good ones from the bad ones. That is where comes into play.

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